Few Van Updates

Ok over a month living in the van and so far, things are going pretty good. I like to have things organized and simplified which is a big part of this lifestyle. There also needs to be a place for everything and it needs to be put back or the van can become messy real quick. I already lived a pretty simple life and don’t need much stuff. Living in the van though I streamlined even more and on the past trips learned what I would need or not use. I took some things out of the van and put them in my smaller storage.

Over the past three days held a storage unit sale and got rid of things so I could downsize to the smallest storage unit and also so it would be under a hundred dollar payment. So now all I own is what is in my small storage and van!

Here are the two minor updates I did….

I added a scripture verse on the front side of the bed that is very meaningful for me. When I was going through my very tough seasons, this was one of my go to message to hold onto.

I also updated my garden, not sure how this is going to work since I don’t have consistent temperature control or air conditioning. But anywhoo, I love having some form of garden with me. I did have herbs and they didn’t last very long because I did forget to water them.

What types of plants do you think would do well in varying temperature conditions?