Holistic Coaching Process

Happy New Year. May this year of 2020 be full of blessings, health, prosperity, and abundance for YOU!

Some may wonder why I have daily devotionals on my business blog. The approach I take with my coaching business is a holistic one. Through my programs we work on every aspect of our life to produce harmony and peace.

We work on our mindset and I teach from the foundation of scriptures. There are so many scriptures that talk about the mind and how we should think. My book Who Are Who God Says You Are is based on the truths that God says about us, not what the world says, our parents, or ourselves. The more we dig into devotionals and learn the scriptures, the more we can learn to think the way Jesus does and know that we truly Are Who God Says We Are.

We work on business principles and strategies that also come from scriptures. Believe it or not the bible is the greatest business book ever written. All other business or success books you read haven taken bits and pieces from the scriptures. The bible is a book about every single aspect of our lives and everything that an entrepreneur is about. You will find stories about ethics, money, wealth, success, mindset, family, disappointment, relationships, miracles, sickness, prosperity, loss, and much more.

We work on our physical health, eating and self-care. In order to serve and care for others we first need to learn to take care of ourselves We learn how to create harmony, because balance sometimes isn’t possible when building a business; but harmony is.

We work on discovering our God given vision, which is one of the most powerful things a woman can do. Each one of us has been given gifts, talents, and abilities that ONLY we have been given for a very specific purpose that God has designed us for. We also learn how to put that vision into reality and walk it out according to the way God has designed us to do.

We work on building our business, creating an income and wealth and ultimately creating a legacy. That is the holistic approach that I use in each of my programs. If this is something that resonates with you or you are curious fill out the form below to touch base with me for a 30 minutes pre-coaching consult. I really look forward to meeting you!

Please join us daily or even once a week for your favorite study. I’ve tried to do a variety of studies so that hopefully one or more will appeal to you. I’d also like to say that by doing these daily devotionals it helps me to stay focused. It helps me make sure I keep what I call my Holy Appointment – which is my time with the Lord.

Hope you enjoy the devotionals and remember: YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE