Remember Who is in Control


Today was the first time I’ve been to the grocery store this month and went for only a few items like bread, butter, and milk. The atmosphere was not our typical happy and friendly store. People hardly made eye contact and it was almost silent, as people were quietly walking around trying to pick out things that were left. I almost felt guilty taking the few items that were left.

It actually brought back memories of my trip to Russia where all the shelves were pretty much empty (every day). This was a sobering reminder of the reality of what is going on and the ripple effect of a worldwide calamity.

But I write again to remind you my friends to BE GROUNDED. Click on the link (be grounded) this is a chapter from my book that I’ve shared now to hopefully give you some positive reminders and peace of mind.

Below is a video full of powerful verses to help keep you remember WHO IS IN CONTROL vs focusing on the events around us!  

Please come back daily for uplifting devotionals, mindset tips and encouragement, and to stay grounded together.

Thank you for being here with me – Cathy.


  • MONDAY Power Words are a quick (hopefully) inspiring and maybe even transformational video based on one word
  • WEDNESDAY Just for Fun can be anything that I found fun or interesting that doesn’t really fit under the other categories!!!
  • THURSDAY Mindset are weekly messages about our mindset, tips on how to keep our mindset where it needs to be, scientific findings about our brain, and encouraging messages about our mindset!
  • FRIDAY Book Study: we will study one book throughout the year, each week diving into business, mindset, and personal development principles.
  • Business Tips are weekly tips from other entrepreneurs, tools that you can use, or any other business idea or concept that might help you and your business!