Build On Your Strengths

MINDSET THURSDAY: This year each Thursday will be learning about “An Enemy Called Average”. As the author states we are called to stand out, not blend in and we are called to not settle for a life of average or mediocrity but an extraordinary life.

Growth comes from building on talents, gifts and strengths, not by solving problems


Build On Your Strengths


Romans 11:29 (NIV) for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.

Romans 12:6 (NIV) We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith


God’s gifts and calling are permanent and enduring. (thankfully)

People who live defensively never rise above average.  

Gifts and talents are God’s deposits into our personal life account; they are deposits not a loan!

It’s 100% up to us what we do with these deposits.

Never underestimate the power of the gifts inside of you.

Choose to look for opportunities each day to use your unique God endowed, God ordained gifts and calling!


  • MONDAY Power Words are a quick (hopefully) inspiring and maybe even transformational video based on one word
  • TUESDAY Mindset Interviews are weekly Facebook Live interviews with other entrepreneurs on how they keep their mindset right, what they offer, and tips to help you on your mindset journey! (coming soon)
  • WEDNESDAY Just for Fun can be anything that I found fun or interesting that doesn’t really fit under the other categories!!!
  • THURSDAY Mindset are weekly messages about our mindset, tips on how to keep our mindset where it needs to be, scientific findings about our brain, and encouraging messages about our mindset!
  • FRIDAY Book Study: we will study one book throughout the year, each week diving into business, mindset, and personal development principles.
  • Business Tips are weekly tips from other entrepreneurs, tools that you can use, or any other business idea or concept that might help you and your business!
  • SUNDAY: weekly update and email blast