The Enemy Called Average

Starting the first Thursday of the new year we are going to go through a great book: “An Enemy Called Average”. As the author states we are called to stand out, not blend in and we are called to not settle for a life of average or mediocrity but an extraordinary life.

No one really wants to just get by. Regardless of where you are in life, how much you have or have not accomplished, God is not finished with you yet! Divided into 52 nuggets of truth, An Enemy Called Average is a source of godly wisdom, scriptural motivation, and practical principles. The words of this book will stir up the gifts and dreams within you.

Yikes look at this statement and the visual below: Mediocrity is bounded on the north by compromise on the south by indecision, on the east by past thinking and the west by a lack of vision.

Join us each Thursday Mindset day as we discover a new nugget to inspire and uplift you throughout the year, so none of us are not bound in this block of mediocrity!!!!